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About US

How BA4Change Comes into Play

When we first had this Idea of being a Training group, we wanted the training to benefit as many people as possible, keeping this in mind we have put a very economic pricing and simple case scenarios which will help people to be familiar with this unfamiliar territory/role (Non-IT/IT both) to understand the basics of Business Analysis as well as Scrum Master.

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Our Vision

To be one of the most sought-after training company for BA

Our vision is to be one of the most sought-after training company for Business Analysis as well as Scrum Master, we believe in being a tight-knit group/family for the aspirants. You are free to be silly/ask a lot of questions or help here, we promise we will help you without being judgmental

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Our Trainer

Our trainers are working IT Professionals with nearly 9-10 Years of IT Experience on an average. They have played various roles like Business Analyst/ Scrum Master/QA Lead throughout their career and hence are quite aware of the practical work case scenarios. This enables them to combine theory and practice in most effective manner.

We Care About Your Important Things

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Professional Skill

Bringing new it business solutions and ideas

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Read Our Latest Tips &Tricks

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10 Useful Tips From Experts In Service.

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How Will Service Be In The Future.

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How Service Can Ease Your Pain.

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